Make yoga props work for you

Props for yoga are priceless! Not only do they help you invest in your postures differently, but they help you stay longer. Understanding when and where to use props is a tool to help you navigate a practice for longevity. Your practice should be sustainable and long lasting so learning to make your props work for you is important. Here are the best props to add to your home practice space.

Yoga Mats

Your yoga mat is your foundation, as tempting as it may be to buy a yoga mat for less than $20, consider some details to be discerning in your purchase. Quality mats have grip and a supportive thickness, cheaper mats may be too slippery and not as efficient to practice on. Our pick is the Jade Harmony Mat, available in studio!



Blocks are your scaffolding and having a variety of blocks can be really helpful. Cork or wood blocks are the most sturdy of all and will be able to support during poses that are weight bearing. Firm foam blocks are also another great option because they are light but sturdy enough to be supportive. It’s ideal to have 2 cork or wood blocks and 2 foam blocks. Check out our picks for the Node Real Cork Blocks or the Manduka Firm Foam Blocks!

Yoga Blanket


Your blanket is your throne and the difference between a yoga blanket or any other blanket is that it is usually a certain thickness, size and bulkiness. It should be supportive to sit on or roll up that can always hold its shape. Make sure your blanket has these qualities so it can make for a good surface for your practice. We recommend at least 1-2 blankets. Check out our pick for the Benevolence LA Yoga Blanket!


Side Release Buckle Strap

Contrary to what can be found when shopping for a yoga strap you will be met with endless options that are capped with a D-ring on each end. Buy one and you’ll soon find out how fussy and time consuming they can be! Steer clear of those and seek out the most efficient side release buckle strap that will make your transitions quick and easy. Check out our pick for the Kakaos Yoga Strap!


Pune Yoga Chair

Great for all and integral for elderly or anyone recovering for an injury. This Pune Yoga Chair is backless and has a grip on the top handle which allows for many ways to manipulate poses with the added benefit of letting the chair take your weight. An essential add for a Restorative Practice!



This might seem like a big ask, but when practicing solo, you’ll appreciate the help of a sandbag. By nature this is an investment to lay down roots and move into poses where you need some assistance. The sandbag will support, ground and allow you to go somewhere else in your body. An essential add for a Restorative practice.


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Monday nights with Cassandra Simons