Live the process
From the book by James Clear, “Atomic Habits,” the focus shifts from the standard goal orientation to the systems put in place that lead to the process of getting results. Through a strong yoga practice, attainable goals, we are here to help you commit to creating the systems in place to lead to your results.
A practice is a seed to water, nourish and watch grow- not a grand declaration. Ultimately its your commitment to the process that will determine your progress.
What will your systems look like to hold you accountable to your goals?
Grab a journal and write down what an ideal yoga practice looks like for you.
Identify when you can fit your classes in. Are you a Mid-week Midas or a Weekend Warrior?
How many classes a week would make you feel strong and energized? AND be attainable?
Write down your schedule for the next two weeks and then take a look at our class schedule and write in the classes you’d like to take. Sometimes having a visual plan can help you achieve your goals! Ready, set go….
“You do not rise to the level of your goals you fall to the level of your systems.”